March 26, 2014

Character Build: Aluki and Swamp wolf.

 Character build: Aluki and swamp wolf
Drawn sketches of the character.

This is the colour, costume and horn exploration of the Character I built in 3rd semester. I had so much fun playing with this project.
This is the solid character after revisions and tweeks. I plan on taking this character farther. I might switch her name around and make it Ikula. I used a Inuit name for her (Aluki), but Ikula sounds just that much better to me.  
 Posing. She rides a lanky swamp wolf. 
Colour for the swamp wolf, who has no name.
 I added this beeswax sculpting putty to her hands for her magical arcane effect as well as fabric. The hair ended up being more saturated then I had intended but i'm not completely against the idea of changing her hair colour. The reason why her eyes are solid are because she is also blind. Which, if this where an actual story, would be explained in the beginning.  I also went into detail on the environment. I hope you enjoy.

March 24, 2014

Sketch dump of March 2014

I thought that perhaps doing a sketch dump would help me get over my Blogging fear. This is a bit of old and new sketches from all over (Sketch books, napkins, that sorta thing). Some of these ideas I plan on actually doing something with, some are fan art and some are brain farts. I hope you enjoy :)